Fresh, juicy strawberries are Summer's candy. I know Summer has arrived when I walk into my local grocery store and see little cardboard baskets all lined up, overflowing with ruby red strawberries. Sometimes their sweet smell lingers around the store entrance and I have to resist grabbing the juiciest one from the top of the basket right then and there! To reward myself for resisting the strawberry urge, I load my cart up with an absurd amount of berries enjoying them for about a week until I come back to the store for even more.
With such a magnetic affection to these summer berries, you could imagine the scene I cause when driving past the most adorable strawberry stand in Sacramento, California. And when I say the most adorable, I absolutely mean adorable! The strawberry fields were feet from their standalone store front with hand painted signs hanging around their windows and along the sides of the store. The family lives right on the property and their berries are handpicked daily - it doesn't get any fresher than that!
After chatting with the owner for a bit, she let me walk into their strawberry fields to get a closer look. I just love seeing where our food comes from. We see fresh produce everyday at the grocery stores or farmers markets but to actually see the strawberries ripening out in the strawberry fields is such a treasure. It reminds us that our food comes from the earth and these little red sweet berries are a seasonal treat grown and picked by the nearby farms and gardens.
Before leaving this family owned strawberry stand in Sacramento I purchased a little basket of strawberries, their smell wafting in the car as I drove away. Unable to hold off my strawberry snacking impulse, like I do at the store, this time I got to reach over and grab a fresh berry right then and there! I began to think of the Beatles song 'Strawberry Fields Forever' while passing the farm's rows and rows of fields, driving down the gravel driveway and back out into the road.
I couldn't believe I spotted such a sweet find! I will never look at strawberries the same way after getting hands on with them in the field. If you are in the area and want to check out this strawberry stand in Sacramento, their info can be found here! Who else gets the urge to grab a strawberry when you get a whiff? I know i'm not the only strawberry grabber out there!
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